Sunday, November 12, 2023

Shubh Deepawali : Kindling Lamps


Kindling a Diya (created by Dall-E via ChatGPT)

A lamp once ready, spreads light all around it - from north to south, east to west, top to bottom. An important part of enabling a lamp to spread this brightness is the process of kindling or igniting it. A successful kindling requires a good quality lamp, the right amount of oil, and a batti (wick) with sufficient ability to absorb the oil. Once you have these ingredients, it only takes a few seconds for the lamp to be kindled by a matchstick, or another lamp.

Kindling a lamp is a zero to one, a discontinuity. Something which did not exist before, is now born and has a life of its own. It dispels all darkness, provides warmth, and comfort to everything around it. It is a special occasion to be celebrated. It is not just the end of darkness, but the beginning of light. The start of new possibilities.

This Deepawali, lets introspect and determine all zero to one possibilities around us. Lets focus on the ones which matter and get our ingredients in order. Then, we will be able to kindle our lamps. This Deepawali, lets end the darkness, create new beginnings, and start new possibilities. 

Shubh Deepawali!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Shubh Deepawali : Anchor Lamps


Anchored Diya (image source)

Lamps have been a source of light since ancient times. Each lamp burns itself but illuminates the world around it. It is the purest form of sacrifice. In today's uncertain times, the world needs a lot more light than it has ever needed in the past.

Lamps come in different shapes and sizes. Small lamps illuminate the area close to them. They are portable and can be easily taken anywhere. Somewhat larger lamps illuminate wider areas around them but may need some planning to move them around to the places which need to be illuminated. The largest lamps illuminate large distances around them. However, they need to be anchored in one place. They are not easily movable. 

In other words, in order to spread our lights far, we need to find the anchors around us. These anchors can be our roots, our families, our homes, our work, our purpose in life. Lamps which are anchored are able to illuminate far distances. They are the powerhouses of the world. This Deepawali, lets try to find our anchors in order to spread light far around us.

Shubh Deepawali!

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Shubh Deepawali: Guiding from Far


Diya - Guiding from Far (image source)

A lamp not only illuminates the area nearby but can also be seen many miles far away on a dark night without binoculars. With a good pair of binoculars, you could see it tens of miles away. A lamp not just dispels darkness nearby but also acts as a guiding light for those far away. 

Lighthouses guide ships many miles away to be able to find their way. Airport runway lights guide airplanes to align their landing spots from far. Residents of Ayodhya lit diyas (earthen lamps) to guide Ram's entourage on a dark amavasya (new moon) - now celebrated as Deepawali.

This Deepawali, lets spend some time thinking about the diyas in our life who may be far away but are guiding us by spreading their light. Lets also light the lamps in our own lives knowing that the light emanating from it will surely guide many people - many of who may be physically far from us. A lamp not just removes darkness around its immediate vicinity, it also guides those far away struggling in the darkness. It enables them to find their way. 

Shubh Deepawali!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Shubh Deepawali: Dispelling Darkness


Diyas Dispelling Darkness (image source)

Lighting up a lamp creates a discontinuity in space and time. It breaks the continuity of darkness and ushers in the era of light around it. No matter how small or big the lamp, each lamp dispels the darkness around it. Lighting our inner lamps dispel the darkness of doubt, fear, hopelessness within us and usher in an era of peace, wisdom and tranquility. 

This year has been full of darkness for every human being on earth. The pandemic has created darkness both within and without. It has impacted us on many dimensions - physically, emotionally, intellectually as well as spiritually. 

This Deepawali, we need to dispel this darkness. Let us light all our lamps - no matter how small or big, no matter where in the world we are, no matter whether we celebrate Deepawali or not. This year, all our lamps will dispel darkness. Both within us and without us.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Meaning of Varchasv

Varchasv is a very positive Sanskrit word derived from Varchas which means 'radiance'. Some meanings of Varchasv include:
  • Circle of influence
  • Overwhelming radiance/aura
  • Superiority, Supremacy
  • Greatness, Expertise
Varchasv has a deep meaning. To comprehend it better, spend some time understanding the meaning of the following:
  • आपका varchasv सदा बना रहे
  • वर्चस्वी भवः
  • उसको सलाम करो जिसका वर्चस्व हो
  • Everyone desires varchasv in whatever they do
  • सूर्य का वर्चस्व सारे solar system में है 
  • सबने उस राजा का वर्चस्व स्वीकार किया
The word exudes a strong "Satvaguna" and "Rajoguna" character which makes it stand for peace, inner strength, action, focus and positive energy. It has similar aura around it as words like greatness, experts, kings, etc.