Monday, October 24, 2011

Shubh Deepawali :: Utilizing Ourselves

An earthen lamp can be used in many different ways. However, its life becomes meaningful only when it lights-up the area around itself.... when it burns itself.... when its desire to enlighten consumes it...

Working towards a goal which consumes us is the only way to live a meaningful life. How are we utilizing our life? Do we have an aim to consume us? How are we spending our time?

Let us pray that this Deepawali...
  • ... everyone who needs a meaningful vision in life gets it....
  • ... those who have the vision, get the courage to start walking on its path....
  • ... few who are walking on the path, have enough faith and courage to continue on it...
  • .... those handful who have achieved it, have the humility to help others around them...