Monday, October 24, 2022

Shubh Deepawali : Anchor Lamps


Anchored Diya (image source)

Lamps have been a source of light since ancient times. Each lamp burns itself but illuminates the world around it. It is the purest form of sacrifice. In today's uncertain times, the world needs a lot more light than it has ever needed in the past.

Lamps come in different shapes and sizes. Small lamps illuminate the area close to them. They are portable and can be easily taken anywhere. Somewhat larger lamps illuminate wider areas around them but may need some planning to move them around to the places which need to be illuminated. The largest lamps illuminate large distances around them. However, they need to be anchored in one place. They are not easily movable. 

In other words, in order to spread our lights far, we need to find the anchors around us. These anchors can be our roots, our families, our homes, our work, our purpose in life. Lamps which are anchored are able to illuminate far distances. They are the powerhouses of the world. This Deepawali, lets try to find our anchors in order to spread light far around us.

Shubh Deepawali!