Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Subscribe To Common Sense"

From an advertisement for Down To Earth by CSE India

"The US, responsible for a quarter of the world's CO2 emissions rejected the Kyoto Protocol in 2001 as it was perceived to be harmful to the US economy.

- The US suffered losses of over $4 billion in May 2003, due to Tornadoes.
- The US suffered losses of over $5 billion in May 2003, due to Hurricanes.
- The costliest wildfires on record in the US happened in California in 2003.
- Hurricanes Jeanne, Ivan, Frances and Charley costed the US over $45 billion in 2004.
- Hurricane Katrina hits US in 2005. Damages over $125 billion. And counting

Subscribe to Common Sense"
I don't have anything else to say...

1 comment:

shwami said...

interesting blog there. But I believe tht common sense has nothing to do with the ignorance of the US towards their own problems. As they themselves have said, Kyoto damages their economy :)

As long as the effects of the damage dont touch each and every single person in the country or this planet, as a matter of fact, there will be inaction. Human beings show an amazing amount of inertia towards largescale change.

The sad part is when the people will realise that their inaction is destroying the only place we have in this universe (practically and technically), it will be too late.

So, perhaps we need a few individuals to rise to a level where they can tke action and override the inertia. Who will be these individuals? and will they actually be brave and sensible enough to take action?

Perhaps only time will tell.

Till then, i am preparing to move to the moon.